The laser classes in accordance with DIN EN 60825-1 / 11.01
Optolas manufactures its products in accordance with international standards and declares the laser classes of its products in accordance with EN 60825-1, IEC 825-1 and 21 CFR 1040. The laser class can be found on the yellow / black / white / red (USA) warning sticker on each laser or on its firmly secured dimming device.
The safety measures pertaining to the applicable laser class must be strictly adhered to (see UVVs and standards).
Laser Class 1
The accessible laser radiation is harmless under foreseeable conditions.
Foreseeable conditions are prepared for during normal operation. The limit value of accessible radiation in accordance with DIN EN 60825-1: 2001-11 in the wavelength range 400 nm to 1400 nm for the classification of lasers is the same between 100 s and 30,000 s.